UGC National seminar, inagural address by Prof. MGS Narayanan

Inaugural Address of prof. MGS Narayanan
UGC National Seminar,
15 March, 2010

Beyond the Margins: Reflections on Identity and New Social Movements
                                        Professor M.G.S Narayanan

This is an age when tremendous changes of different types are taking place not only in India, but everywhere. The European world, West Asia, the two Americas, Africa, Australia – all these are changing fast in different ways. It is mind boggling, complex and confusing.
          We have been trying to imitate the West for some time. We have even been seeing our own history through Western eyes.  The attempt to follow other societies blindly is unhealthy. In the period of the national movement this awareness began to spread slowly, but even today we have not come fully out of the colonial mindset. It is a very difficult process: the effort to gain intellectual freedom is much more difficult than the effort to secure political freedom. The worst part of colonial slavery is that the dominant power destroys our self respect and creates a feeling of inferiority, prompting us to imitate the master. Then the subject people forget their   tradition and identity and tend to follow their master blindly. This has happened to India also with the result that a lot of people who fought for political independence did not possess an independent vision of the future. They simply followed Macaulay’s dream of making Indians think and behave like Englishmen in every respect except their complexion. However, Mahatma Gandhi, whom we had the wisdom to recognize as the father of our nation, did some bold thinking in spite of his thorough Western training, went back to the roots of our culture, and outlined an alternative program.   
          This does not mean that we followed his ways, or that of great Acharyas in the past. Even Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, very close to Gandhiji, was largely Westernised, and was carried away by the idea of progress in the Western sense – big dams and factories, and European model of industrialization, with all its good and bad consequences. Nevertheless Gandhiji’s life and sacrifice helped to keep that flame of idealism alive, and still acts as a corrective influence. The spirit of Gandhiji works miracles in South Africa and America, and wherever racial discrimination and oppression continued n public life.
          The Japanese example of identification with one’s tormentor comes to mind on this occasion. We know that the Japanese people are full of patriotism and traditionalism bordering on fanaticism.  At the same time they were so much impressed by the technological superiority of their enemy who could produce and use the atomic bomb against them that at the end of the second world war they started making an all out effort to excel in modern technology at the expense of everything else. They succeeded within two or three decades. The extent to which they adopted the American way of life can be understood from the American style of their popular dressing style. While I was in Japan, working as a visiting research professor in the university in the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, I used to ask my Japanese colleagues why they adopted the American dress code. They answered that they did not imitate the American style, but it was the Japanese style!  They had identified themselves with that style so much that they forgot the fact that it was an imported style.
          In India also the English-educated Indians tried to follow the English ways in dress and customs and condemned Indian traditional culture until Gandhiji came on the scene with his revolutionary Hindu traditional doctrines.
          It is true that while the English destroyed our self-respect and attachment to Indian culture, they also made us aware of certain shortcomings in our traditional way of life. Our educational system did not provide for the scientific study and interpretation of the past or history though historical records were prepared and maintained scrupulously. We converted facts into myths and used them for poetry and literature. Another crucial defect was the inequality built into the caste system and given a religious and philosophical sanctity. This gave the Brahmin priesthood an undue authority which could not be challenged because it was divinely ordained. In fact this condition made the great majority of people slaves in their own country, and prevented their participation in resisting foreign invasions. The great majority of low caste people would naturally hope that they aspire for better treatment under a foreign rule. It is this psychology that produced a large number of successful foreign invasions and occupations in the history of India. We have learnt much in these matters from the West through their scholars and missionaries. The disciplines of archaeology, epigraphy and numismatics which help us today to understand the past with greater clarity are almost entirely the western contribution to Indian and World culture.
            Historical writing in medieval India – there was not much of it in the modern sense in ancient India – has always been done by poets, religious leaders etc. to promote the interests of the ruling groups - castes and classes. We cannot claim that the idea of including the story of those who were left out of history, those who were treated as outcastes in society and history,was generated in India. Such notions were also first developed in Europe and America, and then we also took it up later.
         There were always people who were relegated to the bottom of society. They too have desires, problems, dilemmas and even small victories. They formed the great majority. Their life and viewpoint also has to be recorded in history. It is from such a feeling that the concept of Subaltern History was developed.
          The working class was subjected to great exploitation when the Industrial Revolution started in Europe in the 18th century in England, Germany and France. The old order was transformed; the authority of the landlord was challenged. Large numbers of people flocked to the new industrial cities in search of employment when life became miserable in the rural areas due to the Enclosure Movement. Villages were deserted. It is in that period that poets like Oliver Goldsmith and novelists like Charles Dickens appeared. Dickens exposed the misery of the lower classes. Historians who were mostly describing the life of kings and lords also began to pay attention to the peasants and workers in due course.      
            The writings of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels exerted great influence in the 19th century. Though the rulers and their policies were supposed to shape history, these thinkers argued that it was the process by which men produced useful commodities from raw materials provided by Nature that created the pattern of social life. Thus the producers - the agricultural peasants and industrial workers - were brought to the centre stage in history. Human labor is responsible for production. Since labor creates value through production, the laborer is entitled to the revenue. However, these thinkers underestimated the role of intellectual labor involved in modern process of production. Factors like capital, venue, machinery, planning, selection of material and market, skilled workers, expert supervision and risk-taking and even good luck are necessary for success in production. Many other outside factors like the political atmosphere, trade currents, legal network and even climate influence production.
            The socialist-communist thinkers exaggerated the contribution of the working class. They defined wealth as the result of exploitation and advocated hatred against the capitalist class. They justified violent revolution to overthrow the capitalist system, little recognizing the force of the natural law that revolutions generate counter-revolutions, perpetuating the realm of inequality and injustice. It was easier to organize them and pamper their ego. Finally the collapse of the Soviet Union at the hands of the Russian people proved the Biblical truth that those who take the sword shall perish with the sword. In spite of such disasters our left leaders continue the same traditional mind-set and refuse to accept the lessons of history.    
            In this context we find another new phenomenon in Kerala, the emphasis on religious identity in place of class identity. This is also an imported concept, mostly propagated by the Islamic fundamentalist groups. This national seminar is to discuss a theme related to the concept – “Beyond the Margins: Reflections on Identity and new Social Movements”. Though claiming to be a new social movement, it is actually the projection of a medieval idea in disguise, the idea that man’s real identity is neither class identity nor national identity, but religious identity. In the days of the freedom struggle, the leaders often banked upon national identity, and tried to submerge religious identity.  Even at that time religious identity had been attempting to surface in the name of minority, demanding a separate state.  This led to the partition of India.
          While the old religious identity question raised by some Muslim and Hindu leaders was based on Indian situation, the new Islamic theorists draw inspiration from a kind of Pan Islamism closely related to fundamentalism. Indian nationalism promoted unity in variety while the present day theorists emphasize the exclusiveness of Muslims in faith, customs food and dress habits and the entire way of life. They seek to distance themselves from the Hindu society and nationalist tradition. In the recent elections of Kerala they created an opportunistic alliance with the Marxist party and fought against the moderate Muslim candidates. This shows that there is contradiction between profession and practice and a secret agenda somewhere because the Marxist ideology is opposed to all forms of spiritualism including that of Islam.
            Muslim society in India, especially North India, felt that since the British East India Company replaced the Mughal Empire, they were pushed into the background. After the Great Rebellion of 1857 under the last Mughal Emperor, Muslims became suspects in the eyes of the British, and hence desperate. Unlike the Hindus they refused to opt for modern (English) education, and turned their face against Western (Christian) culture. They were gradually impoverished, and remained illiterate. They did not participate in the national movement organized by the Indian National Congress under the leadership of A.O. Hume on a large scale in spite of the reforms of Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan. They also feared that independence would bring back Hindu Brahmanical domination.
              The Congress remained a petitioning body with annual conferences, mild resolutions and the British National Anthem till the beginning of the twentieth century. It goes to the credit of the British that they promoted and tolerated reforms in Hindu society, and reconstructed India’s past with the help of archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics and classical studies in Sanskrit and Tamil languages. However, educated Indians remained a keyhole audience in the debates on Indian History. In course of time a nationalist school of history developed in India. A Marxist school of historical writing also developed by the middle of the 20th century. By the close of the century different concepts like that of subaltern history gained popularity. It became clear that gender problems had not received much attention from any of these groups.  
          Another new group has started emphasizing the Identity problems of religious communities. This is popular among Muslim scholars who form part of the Marxist camp and are close to Islamic fundamentalists. Writers like K.E.N. Kunhahmad claim to be Marxist and go with the extremists among Muslims in electoral politics. They condemn festivals like Onam commonly celebrated by all communities in Kerala, describing them as Brahmanical and Savarna in character. They want Muslims to distance themselves from these common festivals to maintain and uphold their identity. In effect this approach is giving a boost to fundamentalist and separatist trends, and subverting the process of emotional integration within the nation. It is bound to help the anti-national destructive trends and promote a Hindu counter offensive. This kind of identity politics turns out to be an attempt to revive the communal spirit under the garb of progress. As such it is reactionary and regressive, and hypocritical, going against the secular democratic spirit of the constitution. In the place of religious identity catering to fanatical and unreasonable faith, we have to recognize and encourage identities based on region, occupation, language etc. in order to achieve social justice and balance, to develop a healthy national life.
            The Advocates of Muslim identity politics are apparently confusing, innocently or consciously, between the essence and the superficial features of religion, thereby endangering the growth of a multi-cultural, multi- cultural secular society in India. On the other hand what is needed is a concerted move to increase the areas of common interest and mutual co-operation so that all communities will enjoy higher prosperity and welfare. This is urgently required to stem the tide of fundamentalism and terrorism already manifested in military training and bomb making in different parts of Kerala. If an urgent campaign is not mounted for spreading awareness about this danger of aggressive, narrow minded, sectarian, hate propaganda associated with identity politics in Muslim circles, it will infect other communities also and destroy the fabric of secularism and communal harmony in the state. If the poison is allowed to other states it bound to affect adversely the process of national integration  and make it impossible to counter the threat of terrorism which has assumed alarming proportions on a global scale.
            The present unhealthy trend of growth related to identity politics goes to prove the old allegation that in India intellectuals, and historians particular, tend to welcome as new and exciting concepts which Western writers developed, elaborated, criticized and rejected. That is why some writers are inclined to treat old separatist or communal arguments as new social movements under the cover of identity politics. Certainly we have to recognize the presence of different marginalized sections in society. These are not confined to the Muslims, but there are other minority groups like the Christians, and scheduled castes, Dalits and Adivasis. There are not only religious groups but also marginalized regional and occupational groups like tribes in the North East, Central and Eastern parts of India, various groups of native traditional craftsmen like weavers and metal workers, and the neglected and exploited groups of fishermen and domestic servants, and large sections of women – wives and housewives – who are suppressed and exploited. These are not to be taught to stand aloof and hate others, but to be empowered socially and politically through education and economic support, and brought into the mainstream of national life and culture. A vigorous search should be instituted, not for separate identity, but for common nationality.  Otherwise we will be going back in history with the slogan of progress, travelling backwards to the past, to the middle ages.



In the history of mankind, the first and foremost activity that man undertook was searching for food. 'Food Gatherers' can be treated as the first ‘travelers’. Since than the urge to engage in travel has been growing and today travel has grown into a large, diverse industry with lot of social cultural and Economic dimensions.

Food gathering stage was followed by food production and then settlement on the river banks. Once man had settled down, he began to conquer the world. 'Trade' became an important reason in the growth of Travel. One of the greatest milestones in the history of tourism is the invention of wheel. It improved the speed of travel and men could cover more distances, which stimulated travel. The increasing trend in travel necessitated having stay and thus the 'Inns' emerged. They provided fresh horses, and lodgings were available for rent to visitors when they arrived at their destination. It was the sign of beginning of an industry, which was later called as tourism.

History provides glimpses of tourism activities held in the ancient period. The earliest forms of leisure tourism can be traced back to the Babylonian and Egyptian empires. Invention of money by Sumerians (Babylonia) during 4000 BC and the usage of it in business transactions helped the travel to grow. Phoenicians were probably the first real business travelers. A museum of “historic antiquities” was open to the public in the sixth century BC in Babylon, while the Egyptians held many religious festivals attracting not only the devout, but many who came to see the famous buildings and works of art in the cities. The local towns accommodated tourists by providing services such as: vendors of food and drink, guides, hawkers of souvenirs and touts.

Oceans were a great mystery for man. Huge sailboats and sailing ships were built. The curiosity to experience the outside world really initiated travel among men. In ancient Greece, people traveled to see the Olympic Games begun in 776BC. Greek tourists, during third century BC, traveled to visit the ‘healing gods’. Because the independent city-states of ancient Greece had no central authority to order the construction of roads, most of these tourists traveled by water, hence many seaports were built. The lighthouse of Alexandria was considered one of the seven wonders of the Ancient world. Guidebooks became available as early as the fourth century BC, covering a vast area of destinations, i.e. Athens, Sparta and Troy. Advertisements, in the form of signs directing visitors to wayside inns, are also known from this period.

 In Mediterranean, travel for trade and commerce, religion purposes, medical treatment or education was developed at an early stage.

In fact the emergence of the Roman Empire put an unforgettable mark in the history of tourism. They give importance to international travel. Domestic tourism also flourished within the Roman Empire. The tourism as a pleasure activity emerged during then. Romans created excellent network of Roads, transportation and communication system to manage the vast empire, which helped 'travel' also. Romans traveled to Sicily, Greece, Rhodes, and Troy, Egypt and from the third century AD, to the Holy Land - Jerusalem. Romans even traveled to outside world especially to Egypt and Greece and Asia Minor, which were popular destinations. When Alexander the Great during his journeys reached India; he found well-maintained roads covered with shady trees. Along one royal highway, 1,920 kilometers long and about 19 meters wide, people traveled in chariots, palan­quins, bullock carts, on horses, camels and elephants.

The downfall of Roman Empire brought a set back to tourism development and for several centuries (between 5th & 15th century AD) tourism has experienced sluggish growth and was referred as dark stage of tourism.

Religion as a Motivator
Travel for religious purposes assumed a significant impor­tance during the middle Ages. The practice of traveling for reli­gious reasons, going on a pilgrimage for example, became a well established custom in many parts of the world. By the end of the middle-ages large numbers of pilgrims were traveling to the main shrines in Europe, and travel again assumed an interest­ing character. However, travel was still dominated by religious motivations. Very little actual pleasure travel was undertaken. The adoption and spread of Christianity subsequently led to numerous pilgrims making their way to the Holy land. So deep and strong was the hold of faith that the ritual of pilgrimage flourished over the centuries. Pilgrimage was a major religious activity in India also. According to the Hindu dharma, pilgrimage was part of one of the four Ashramas - Sannyasa –duty in the lifecycle of a human being - in their old age. Pilgrims traveled to visit the holy places, shrines ad temples.

 Religion was a great unifying force. Pilgrimages strengthened religious bonds. It provided the impetus for a 'stay-at-home' agrarian society to break out of its narrow geographical confines. It also exposed people to new manners and customs, different kinds of food and modes of dress. It encouraged exchange of ideas and also fostered trade. It served as a powerful means of forging unity and understanding be­tween people from widely different regions.

Travel & Renaissance
By the 15th century AD, the great renaissance happened in Europe that marked the next important stage in the his­tory of travel. Italy became the intellectual capital of Europe. Education, politics, economics and others sciences reached a top position as there were a number of experts in each field in Italy. People from other parts of the world traveled to Italy, France and other parts of Europe. By 17th and 18th centuries, the travel in those categories has increased. Diplomats, business people and scholars engaged in travel. Thus, after the long break a renaissance happened in tourism also.

Grand Tour
By the end of the fifteenth cen­tury Italy itself became the object of attention. At this time Italy was Europe's economic and cultural leader. It was how­ever totally disunited politically. Wars were fought on Italian soil. Although in decline materially, Italy was still the intellectual capital of Europe. For the aristocracy and intelli­gentsia of north-west Europe it represented both the classical heritage and all the latest ideas and inventions. A growing number of young noblemen were being sent abroad to complete their education in France and Italy. Young men who wanted positions at court were encouraged to travel to the Continent to finish their education. They were often accompanied by their tutors.  Paris, Rome, Florence & other cultural centers were the centers of scholars who reached for education. Such 'travel' occurred during then was referred as 'Grand tour'. During the 17th century, it became fashionable in England to undertake a Grand Tour. The sons of the nobility and gentry were sent upon an extended tour of Europe as an educational experience. The 19th century was the golden age of the Grand Tour. A modern equivalent of the Grand Tour is the phenomenon of the backpacker.

The Grand tourist respected the learn­ing, antiquities and social refinements of the old world. The eighteenth century is conventionally considered the golden age of the Grand Tour, especially the thirty years between 1763 and 1793. Oxford English dictionary defines Grand tour as a tour to the principal cities and places of interest in Europe, formerly said to be an essential part of the education of the young man of 'good birth' and 'fortune '. Grand tour can be defined in terms of class, which would determine the places visited and the mode of travel. The reasons for undertaking the Grand tour were also diverse: career; education; culture; literary; health; scientific; business & economic. During this period a great many poets, authors-and intellectuals visited Italy and other countries nearby with a view to broaden their knowledge and learn new arts and crafts.

Industrial Revolution and Development of Travel
The grand tour slowly faded as the other nations of the world also raised to this status in accordance with European Nations. The emergence of industrial revolution led to different changes in the various spheres of human life. The things that were highly manual became industrial products. The rate of productivity increased. Employment rate was also increased. Man-machine employment rate increased and the continuous work with machines gave way for monotony in life which forced them to have rest from the working atmosphere. This stimulated the travel tendency of human beings. This is one way how industrialization helped tourism to grow. The scientific inventions and applications of them in the human life revolutionized the life style of man. The eighteenth century has seen the development of seaside resorts and by 1815 a service began operating between London & Gravesend which initiated travel to distant resorts. The introduction of the steam engine, the rail ways, the steam ship etc. made travel easier and faster and stimulated travel among people. Rising personal income due to rapid industrialization also energized travel propensity among men.

The concept of modern tourism came into being in the second half of the nineteenth century hand in hand with the development of the industrialized societies of Western Europe and North America. Development of industrialized societies of Western Europe and North America can therefore be consider­ed as responsible for growth of modern tourism. the industrial revolution brought in tremendous changes in society. It threw up great factory towns, big and small. The working class was in the beginning burdened by long working hours and poor working and living conditions. For a great number of people there was little relief from routine of putting in long hours of work in difficult conditions in the factory set-up of those days. Sudden concentration of population in towns and cities created un­healthy social conditions. As the industrial momentum gathered and the cities and their population" increased at an enormous rate, the need for escape became even more acme. The prosperous and well-to-do who could afford proceeded to various resorts. Industrialization also brought in an increase of material wealth and certain improvements in transport and communications during the second half of nineteenth and early twentieth century.  People migrated in large numbers to cities in search of work. The returned to their villages or to tourist places during their holidays.

The factors like increasing need to find relief from workday routine and the city dweller's yearning for physical adventure and comforts and pleasure and development of resorts and spas for health and relaxation produced a fertile ground for the development of pleasure travel on a big scale. Many resorts owe their present day popularity to their original discovery by wealthy minorities during the Roman Empire. The nineteenth century saw the development of large­ scale pleasure zones at some considerable distance from the large cities and metropolitan centres of Central Europe. The French Riviera with Nice, Cannes and Monte Carlo were some of these pleasure zones.
The Origin of the Concept of Annual Holiday
The introduction of annual holiday in Europe was another important landmark which encouraged many people to under­take travel in large numbers during the eighteenth century. The eighteenth century became the great age of travel. The annual holiday was the forerunner to the paid holiday which later was responsible for an extraordinary growth of tourism. The term holiday derived from ‘holy days’ that were associated with religious observances. In the present day it is used generally in a secular sense meaning a respite from the routine of daily workday life and a time for leisure, recreation and amusement. Public holidays were a feature of ancient Rome and were the most enjoyable days.

Also in Europe certain days commemorating religious festivals and saint's days became holy days where all works were stopped. In the year 1552 in England an act was passed during the reign of Edward VI "for the keeping of holidays and fasting days". This act stilt continues to be on the Statute Book. Subsequently, public and semi-official offices in England frequently closed on certain Saint's days. There were however, no general public holidays until the time of the Industrial Revolution. The concept of modern annual paid holiday is very largely an outcome of the Industrial Revolution. Workers were granted compulsory annual holidays, as a relief from the daily stressful work. During then, people traveled in masses and visited certain places such as Greece, Rome, France, and Italy. But they moved in a cluster rather than in an organized group. The workers also traveled to their villages to see their relatives and friends during their annual holidays.

In 1841, as secretary of South Midland Temperance Association, Thomas Cook organized an excursion for his members from Leicester to LoughBorough. The success of this venture with 570 participants encouraged him to arrange similar excursions using chartered trains and by 1845 he was organizing such trips, on a commercial basis. In such an organized tour, the organizer took care of the travel arrangements, accommodations, transport at the destination and the return to the homeland. The concept of organized tourism started flourishing and by 1855, cook had extended in the field of operations to the continent, organizing the first 'inclusive tour' to the Paris exhibition of that year. He also made the administration of travel easier by introducing the hotel voucher (1867) and in 1873 the 'circular note', the precursor to today's traveler’s cheque.

The invention of photography further stimulated growth of tourism. The first regular cross channel steamship was introduced in 1821, on the Dover- Calais route. In 1872, Thomas Cook first organized 'round the world tour'. As tourism grew in the later years of the century, so the organizers of travel became established institutionally. Thomas cook & Sir Henry Lunn are two of the best-known names of the period but many other well-known companies were also established. In the United States, American Express initiated money honors & travelers cheque. The development in the transport sector saw people moving in large numbers. The concept of mass tourism where multitudes of people moved from one place to another came into existence, and with the introduction of paid holidays, mass tourism gained momentum.

Paid Holidays and Mass Tourism
The concept of mass tourism emerged along with the introduction of holiday with pay. It was in the last quarter of the nineteenth century that increasing attention was paid to the desirability of holiday with pay. In the year 1936, modem tourism really got under way when, at the instigation of its trade union representatives, the International Labor Organization (lLO) adopted the first convention to support movements to promote paid holidays and, in turn, tourism. Only fourteen countries, mostly European, had enacted general legislation on paid holidays based on the ILO first convention. Concept of annual paid holiday was first introduced in England (the Holidays with Pay Act (I 938). Soon afterwards tourism experienced an extraordinary growth.

The right to paid holidays has universal recognition now. Paid holidays are now established all over the world. In most countries a minimum duration of one to three weeks is specified either by law. The trend is to grant longer holiday periods. The employers have realized that the paid holidays have not affected industrial production. The legal minimum in many countries at present is three weeks. The workers got their salaries while they could travel to cheap tourist destinations for getting relaxation from their stressful daily work. This had an important influence on development of mass tourism Introduction of paid holiday had led to great mobility of the population, created new industries, resulted in the creation and growth of many towns of distinctive function and broadened the horizons of millions of people.

In the opening years of 20th century, travel continued to expand, encouraged by the increasing wealth, curiosity & by the consistent developments in the transport sector. The First World War put different impacts in expanding world-wide travel. The Road networks were improved. Different mass communication methods were experimented. In the United States, the usage of motor cars for private holidays increased. In Britain, in 1921, four major rail companies emerged such as London, Midland & Scottish Railway (LMS), London & North Eastern Railway (LNER), Great Western Railway (GWR) and Southern Railway (SR). The arrival of airlines posed a threat for the long distant rail transportation but in the early periods, it was used mainly for mail carrying purposes. During the 1930s holiday camps were introduced aimed at the growing low-income market for holidays. Resorts and hotels proliferated along the sea sides of England. The government started to take initiatives in tourism business and in 1929, the British Government established the British Travel and Holidays Association and by the out-break of second world war the British government has recognized tourism as a mean for foreign exchange earnings.

The Second World War also had impacts in the growth of tourism. With the technological breakthroughs in aircraft design achieved during and after the II World War, air services proved a viable alternative to shipping for international travel. The real age of international mass travel began with the growth of air travel after World War II. In the immediate post-war period, there was a surplus of transport aircraft, such as the popular and reliable Douglas Dakota, and a number of ex military pilots ready to fly them. They were available for charter flights, and tour operators began to use them for European destinations, such as Paris.

These developments coincided with a significant increase in the standard of living in Britain. Further, the contribution of affordable air travel in combination with the package tour enabled international mass tourism to develop. The postwar introduction of an international system of airline regulation was another important factor. The bilateral agreements at the heart of the system fixed seat prices, and airlines could not fill blocks of empty seats on underused flights by discounting.

The end of world wars caused many changes in the political equations world over. Advances in aircraft technology and surplus aircraft in the immediate post-war years aided the rapid expansion of air travel. Air travel became faster, safer and more comfortable. Boeing 707 jet was successfully introduced for commercial purposes in 1958 which encouraged international travel. Apart from the emergence of aircrafts with jet engines, 1950s have experienced the emergence of chartered tourism using small aircrafts. A further technological break through in air transportation occurred in 1970, when the first wide bodied jet (Boeing 747s), capable of carrying over 400 passengers, appeared in service. The advent of developments in information technology caused revolutionary changes in tourism. The second half of the last century has seen tremendous growth in tourism and it has been considered as a social right in this modem world.

Hi speed trains are transforming travel and tourism industry. Trains like Bullet Train (Japan) and TGV (Trans Grande Vitesse, France) travel at speeds over 400 Kilometers per hour. In some countries, Luxury train travel costs more than air travel.

Tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries. For example, there were around 25.3 million international tourist arrivals in 1960. By 1990, this figure had risen to 425 million, 17 times the earlier figure. By 1997, it had risen to 613 million. The World Tourism Organization forecasts that these figures will more than double to 1.6 billion people by 2020.

The importance of this rapid growth in tourism can be seen by the fact that travel and tourism generated 11% of global GDP in 1999; spending on international tourism reaching US$453 billion. In addition, the tourism industry employed 200 million people - 8% of total world employment. Thus, tourism is a major source of income and employment for many countries, particularly in the South where it can assist in addressing problems caused by poverty. The last quarter of a century has witnessed an unprecedented globalization of the world’s economies and societies. It has facilitated the rapid growth of tourism, which arguably is now the world’s largest industry in terms of employment and gross domestic product. International tourism has been particularly important to poorer nations.

Key factors in this growth include:
·      Rising living standards and, especially, increased leisure time, has allowed many people in the North to take longer holidays and to travel to distant parts of the world. Many in the industrializing countries of Asia and Latin America are also becoming international tourists. 
·      Advances in transport technology following the introduction of the first passenger jet services in the 1950s and the development of the jumbo jet allow for relatively inexpensive long-distance travel.
·      Long periods of relative political stability have made people feel safe venturing to new and unknown places.
·      Television, movies and other media have stimulated interest in other parts of the world by showing attractive and exciting images of distant places.
·      Increased leisure time and regular holidays are encouraging the growth of in-country or domestic tourism industries.
·      The tourism industry has become highly professional and has promoted travel and holidays through well-financed advertising campaigns.

In India, during the early periods, a sophisticated agricultural economy made the export of cash crops an important trade link. Manufacture of iron-ore into steel for weaponry was another item of trade by the later Vedic period. Therefore people always wanted to find a route to India. The sea route was found by the great sailors. The incident of Christopher Columbus landing on the shores of America, and proclaiming as landed on India, reveals the amount of interest they had to discover sea route to India. Tools and textiles were other renowned Indian products. Trade became an important reason to travel to India.

But we do not hear muc abot ancient Indian travelers who went to other parts of the world. Ancient Indian texts talk of becoming a mleccha (an impure person) upon crossing a sea. Maybe this was the reason that Indians didn’t take up travel crossing the ocean.

The epics like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata show different events in which intensive travel was involved. The various kingdoms and dynasties ruled India also gave much importance to travel. The invasion of Alexander the Great was a milestone in the history of Indian tourism, which stimulated travel among countries. Instances of various foreign visitors to India can be traced from Indian history and the best examples are Huan- Tsang's visit during the Gupta era and Fa-Hiyan's from the Kingdom of China. The emergence of Buddhism really stimulated intra and inter-regional travel. 'Inns' were proliferated throughout India during then and people traveled to many places in relation to Buddha religion. Other religions also contributed in initiating travel like Islam, Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism.

During Muslim reign, trade was one of the important reasons for travel. That continued when the Europeans started to dominate India. When India became totally under British rule, the leisure tourism also emerged. British rulers, officers and others developed some important resorts all over India for the purpose of leisure tourism. International changes and developments in various spheres of life put impacts in Indian tourism and the industry has grown slowly. After independence also, the tourism sector in India has experienced only a slow growth, but the last quarter of the last century has seen tremendous developments in the tourism sector due to many reasons like governmental policy changes and technological advancements.

le mashale to sir syed college

the dept. of history planning to conduct solo performance of famous Ojes on Irom Sharmila.....

the programme is scheduled on 24 august 2011